Paw Butter moisturizes your dog’s paw pads using a blend of all-natural ingredients. Soothing those hard-working pads and keeping them in great conditions.
Many dogs have Paw Pad Hyperkeratosis which is extra paw pad tissue growing on the pads. This condition is idiopathic (not known why) and can’t be cured. The Good News it can be kept under control by using Paw Butter regularly.
Applying Paw Butter
- Rub a bit of butter in the palm of your hand to warm/melt it.
- Massage into the pads.
- Distract dog to keep from licking.
- Product absorbs quickly and is safe if some gets licked off.
- Repeat 2-3x daily, 2-3 days and then use as needed for maintenance.
All natural: Shea butter, Caster oil, Olive oil, Almond oil, Coconut oil, Beeswax, Avocado oil, Cocoa Seed butter, oil infusions of Comfrey, St. John’s Wort, Calendula, Essential oils; Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Cypress, and Lavender.
Non-toxic, no active ingredients, not harmful if swallowed.
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